Growing Your Music Business Just Got a Little Bit Easier
Download our FREE guide to learn industry tips & tricks that will help you establish a strong foundation for a growing music business.
•How to Market the Music You Already Have
'Old' music is still new to everyone who hasn't heard it yet!
• Music Production & Mastering
The best way to get the right production for you and your specific sound.
• Album Artwork & Content
Where to find high quality royalty-free images you can use as artwork & social media content.
• Music Distribution
How to determine which online music distributors are actually artist friendly.
Why Trust Denovo Agency?

"Due to De Novo Agency's unique approach, they've been termed the most artist-friendly agency in the industry"

"Artist-forward thinking is a large part of what separates De Novo Agency from the competition."

"The very reason De Novo Agency has seen dramatic success for their clients stems from the amount of help they offer independent artists for free."

Elliot Tousley
"Elliot and James bring personal care and attention to their artists and that's what helps them stand out from the crowd" - Yahoo Finance

James Landry, Esq.
"Landry and Tousley have artists' best interests in their DNA" -